
Make a Planned Gift

Consider extending your support of Pickering Creek Audubon Center beyond your lifetime.

What Will Your Legacy Be?
Have you considered making a bequest to support the causes that you have cared about throughout your lifetime? If you share Pickering Creek’s values and feel a personal responsibility for stewarding our natural world, please consider extending your support beyond your lifetime by including Pickering Creek Audubon Center in your plans with a legacy gift.
To ensure that your gift is dedicated to Pickering Creek Audubon Center, simply specify in your estate plans that your gift is intended for Pickering Creek Audubon Center, owned by Chesapeake Audubon Society. Tax ID #52-1038833.
There are many ways to make a legacy gift, including:
  • Making a gift through your IRA by designating Pickering Creek Audubon Center as a beneficiary. This strategy may have important tax benefits for your heirs and your estate. 
  • Naming Pickering Creek Audubon Center as a beneficiary or partial  beneficiary of a life insurance policy that has outlasted its original purpose.
  • Naming Pickering Creek Audubon Center a successor beneficiary for your donor advised fund or the recipient of a portion of the remaining account value.
  • Setting up a charitable gift annuity agreement to provide lifetime income for yourself or members of your family and a gift to Pickering Creek Audubon Center.
  • Naming Pickering Creek Audubon Center or one of its programs in your will.
Naming Pickering Creek Audubon Center in your will can be as simple as adding this language:
I bequeath (dollar amount or % of estate) to the Chesapeake Audubon Society, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, with its principal offices located at 11450 Audubon Lane, Easton, MD 21601. This gift should support Pickering Creek Audubon Center. Tax ID # 52-1038833.
Please let us know about your intentions by filling out our Legacy Confirmation Form, so that we may honor your wishes to the best of our ability and recognize your support.
Contact us for additional information or for assistance in determining which type of gift may be right for you. 410-822-4903.