
EcoCamp Details

Registration Information
Registrants: We are looking forward to seeing you this summer!
We’ll spend the weeks exploring wetlands, walking through streams, and catching animals in the creek and forest! Pickering Creek staff is very excited to meet new kids and greet new and returning campers.
We are thrilled to introduce this summer’s EcoCamp staff!
Otter (Alex) will be on maternity leave this summer, but is working on fund staff and schedules now in preparation for an exciting summer! 

Trained and engaging Counselors will bring their own talents and interests to EcoCamp, all of which are deeply rooted in creating fun learning environments for people of all ages, and enjoying the outdoors.
Our Counselors will be joined by our returning Junior Naturalists (teen volunteers) and will work together to guide your camper through an exciting week of games, hiking, and enjoying the outdoors. Learn how your child can become a Junior Naturalist in coming years here!
On Monday mornings, plan to spend a few extra minutes signing your camper in for the day, as we may need to spend a few minutes filling out forms if we’re missing any.
General Reminders:
  • Camp runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm rain or shine. Morning drop-off starts at 8:45 am each day, with no staff present prior to 8:45 and concludes at 9:05, at which point all who are there will begin the day. Pick-up is at 4:00 pm. Pick-up and drop-off occur at our front Welcome Center, unless you registered for transportation from town upon registering for camp, in which case you meet our  van in the town of Easton (Location TBD) at 8:30am. The van departs  from the Kohl’s parking lot at 8:40am.   The van returns to Kohl’s between 4:15 and 4:25pm.
  • You must sign your camper in and out each day with a camp counselor or the director.
  • Please mind the speed limit on our gravel road of 15 mph. Two cars can pass each other on the road but make sure to keep your tires on the gravel (the ditch can be unforgiving).
  • Please email the camp director directly or call the office at 410-822-4903 between 9am and 5pm if the guardian responsible for picking up or dropping off your camper has changed or special arrangements are needed. 
Each day campers need:
  • back pack
  • a filled water bottle
  • lunch with non-perishable food
  • weather appropriate clothing
  • sunscreen
  • insect repellent
  • a change of clothes
  • swimsuit
  • water shoes NOT CROCS (for the impromptu wading in creek or wetland or frog chasing).
    to wear clothing and shoes that can get MUDDY and WET!
We have a pack-in, pack-out policy for trash so please try to use reusable containers for lunch
If your camper needs to bring medication to camp, this form needs to be fully completed and signed by a doctor and brought with you on the first day of camp. If the form is incomplete, medication must leave Pickering’s property.
If your camper periodically needs medication, like for pain relief or headaches (ex. Advil, Tylenol), you may want to have the form completed and ready just in case. If you do not have the form completed, a guardian will need to come to camp to administer the medication. There are NO exceptions to the rule.
All medication must be kept in its original container with instructions and side effects included.
If your child has asthma and will be carrying an inhaler, please also complete the attached Asthma Action Plan.
If your child will be coming to camp with an EpiPen for a life threatening allergy, please also fill out the Allergy Action Plan. This form is needed for prescribed and over-the-counter medications.
Transportation around Camp
Campers will walk a whole bunch, however to allow our campers the chance to explore our 450 acres without getting too too tired, we use an open-aired wagon to transport campers around our property. The wagon does not leave our property. If there is thunder/lightning, we will use our 15-passenger van instead. Only Audubon employees with a drivers’ license operate these vehicles.

If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to call me at the office. 410-822-4903 or email
At the end of the camp season, we will share online photo albums of EcoCamp with parents and guardians of campers only.
We are excited to be your campers’ counselors and look forward to a great week of camp.
Otter (aka Alex)