Where does your gift go?

With our programs expanding, your direct support of Pickering’s work becomes even more important

As a member supported organization, Pickering Creek Audubon Center’s budget is based on direct charitable contributions and program revenues. Private contributions are not the icing on the cake here at Pickering Creek Audubon Center, they are the cake itself. To keep barriers down from kids getting outdoors to learn, we aim to keep the cost of Audubon programs affordable for schools, students and families. This is made possible by generating more than two thirds of our budget from private contributions. With our programs expanding, your direct support of Pickering’s work becomes even more important.
As you read about Pickering Creek Audubon Center’s activities and plans, we hope you will consider supporting these programs by making a gift directly to Pickering Creek Audubon Center.
Pickering Creek is operated by Chesapeake Audubon Society, a chapter of the National Audubon Society, but a entirely separate 501 (C)3 organization. Your gift to Pickering stays entirely at Pickering Creek and supports its work.  As a locally owned and operated center, Pickering Creek Audubon Center does not directly benefit from any gifts made to National Audubon Society.
Your gifts to Pickering Creek Audubon Center help make possible:
Environmental Education
Pickering Creek believes that caring for our natural environment requires engaging and educating the next generation of environmental leaders. Hands-on environmental education is at the core of Pickering’s efforts to preserve and protect our natural heritage for the enjoyment and benefit of future generations. Our programs are designed to make it possible for a child to explore nature in our pre-school programs, advance to school field trips, spend their summers at day camp and become part of our Junior Naturalists Club. Exploring nature hands-on, these kids build impressions that will last a lifetime and we hope, create a life-long love for our planet and a desire to become involved in its protection. Each year Pickering Creek Audubon Center’s year-round education programs reach thousands of Marylanders of all ages to help guide them along the continuum from appreciation to understanding to stewardship of nature.
Engaging Citizenry in Conservation
Whether calling a legislator, planting a tree, or making a donation, we can all play a role in protecting wildlife and their habitats. Pickering Creek Audubon Center works to provide the tools that each individual needs to make informed decisions when making choices that effect the environment. Providing opportunities for the community to become elbow deep in being part of the solution for wildlife and habitat is a key part of our education programs.

Find out more about the many ways to Give support for Pickering Creek Audubon Center.