
Feedback from the Field

Partners in education, Pickering Creek works closely with teachers to assure
students receive the best hands-on science learning possible

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Pickering educators quickly pivoted their in-person field trip programs to online formats being used by their partner school systems.  This allowed students and teachers to continue building upon their time with Pickering Creek in Fall 2019 and early 2020, and greatly helped teachers carry out the remainder of their science units for the 20-21 school year.  Pickering continues to hold professional development trainings for teachers and will throughout the summer to help plan for a very different upcoming school year.   Below  is some of the feedback we received:

“Working through the ACE project with my students has ultimately brought us to a deeper level of realism when it comes to our direct impact on wildlife in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.  The way each lesson and project was designed provided my students with confidence in their own voice; even to the point of empowering many to go above and beyond school requirements and act as the “driving force of change” throughout their own communities.  Thank you so much for helping us access that power within, and for the steadfast support you’ve provided us throughout the school year.” 

-Brian Stallings Bennett Middle School Wicomico County Public Schools

“Things are going well. I really wish we would have done this from the beginning.[of distance learning] The lessons are relevant and have real world value. The lessons are also more engaging! Thanks so much for everything!”

-Bobbi Bee Colonel Richardson High School Caroline County Public Schools

“Hope all is well with you too. I’m kind of sad that the projects the kids wanted to do couldn’t happen. I wanted to see how they would’ve turned out in the end.

Being part of the Audubon Chesapeake Exploration (ACE) program made me think of ways to apply the essential question, how have humans impacted the Chesapeake Bay watershed, to the other topics I teach. I also had students look at ways humans have a positive impact on our environment. We tend to always focus on the negative. This led to discussions on ways that they/we could do to help. This was helpful when we were thinking of final projects and how they would go about completing it. Some ideas the kids came up with were ideas I wouldn’t have necessarily thought of and definitely took me out of my comfort zone. Thanks.” 

-Mrs. Allen Scott 6th Grade, Salisbury Middle School Wicomico County Public Schools

“I love the activities that are dependent on the students collected data. I’m hoping that as we begin to plan for next year the teachers can use these lessons as idea stems for other lessons. Thank you again for you and your entire teams dedication to helping us reach kids during virtual learning!” 

Amy Towers Science Supervisor Caroline County Public Schools

“As an educator that values the importance of environmental literacy and advocacy in STEM education, the ACE Program has by far exceeded my expectations of providing opportunities for my students to engage in discussions, planning and action to be taken based on their collective efforts. It is enlightening to have access to a program that grants such experiences.” 

-Chad Pavlekovich Salisbury Middle School Wicomico County Public Schools